#magick #Alchemy #witchcraft #witchesofyoutube #WitchesofInstagram #Witchtok #spiritualalchemy #power #rewilding

What do visualize when you hear the word “alchemy”? My bet is that you imagine some little old man from the 1200’s, hunched over scales, making notes by candlelight. No doubt you imagine him feverishly working to make gold out of some other nondescript metals. Indeed, this is what alchemy used to mean. But in recent esoteric and occult practice, the term “alchemy” has come to have a much deeper meaning and its use has been greatly expanded. In this blog post I will outline three common magickal practices which contribute to what could be termed “alchemical changes” in the soul.
Webster’s dictionary defines alchemy as “A medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold” (Merriam-Webster, 2024). A second definition from Webster’s and much more to the point of this article is, “A power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way.” Magickal practice is most certainly alchemical.
First, the practice of magick is the taking back of one’s own power. To engage in spellcraft means that the practitioner understands that the key to transformation (and isn’t all spellcraft at its core about transformation?) exists within themselves. That realization, in and of itself, is alchemical. To reach within yourself and place that power into the world is alchemical, so use it wisely. Beyond the realization is the action itself. The universe’s response to this power is alchemical as well.
Secondly, engaging with the energies of other creatures. What do I mean by that? Well, herbalism is an excellent example. When we mix herbs together, for example, the energies of those plants come together and change/charge the spell, tea, medicine, whatever we are using them for. This would fit the definition of alchemy. This is especially true if we are using them for food or medicine. This alchemical reaction is one of the reasons I am VERY careful to consider each herb before selecting whether it is food, medicine or magick.
Lastly, many modern magickal folks understand the importance and benefit of meditation. Aside from the physical benefits of reduced cortisol levels, decreased anxiety and reduced blood pressure and heart rate, meditation possesses spiritual alchemy. Neurologically, we know that when we visualize something, it activates important centers in our brain. The same centers that are activated when physically doing the activity (Ekeocha, 2015). Visualization is so powerful that is has found an application in mental health (Pearson, Nesalaris, Holmes, & Kosslyn, 2015). By visualizing a new future, fundamental shifts occur which make it more likely that these changes will manifest: alchemy.
Final Thoughts
It is important to remember that the practice of magick should never be done slightly, impulsively, or without extreme care. It is powerful. And while necessary, should never be taken for granted, denigrated, or “dabbled”. Alchemy of the soul is real.
alchemy. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alchemy
Ekeocha, T.(2015, May), The Effects Of Visualization & Guided Imagery In Sports Performance, https://digital.library.txstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10877/5548/EKEOCHA-THESIS-2015.pdf?sequence=1
Pearson, J., Naselaris, T., Holmes, E. & Kosslyn, S. (2015) Mental Imagery: Functional Mechanisms and Clinical Applications, Trends in Cognitive Science, 19(10): 590-602